Ellwood/Wampum Rod and Gun Club
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About our Club:
The Ellwood City Rod and Gun Club was organized in the American Legion rooms in Ellwood City in 1930. The first resident was Fish and Game Commissioner Charlie French. Shortly after the club was organized, the club held their meetings in Schwiger Hall until the present clubhouse was built. The Wampum Rod and Gun Club was organized in the old Opera House in Wampum in 1935. The first president was W.H. Grinnen of Wampum, PA.
In 1939, the two clubs pulled their resources and built a clubhouse on the Ellwood-Wampum Road. The clubhouse was built with volunteer labor and both clubs purchased the materials. The clubhouse was in joint ownership and governed by a board of trustees elected from memberships of both clubs. A modern kitchen was built on the original building in 1942. The facilities of the club included a modern trap range, a rifle range, a dog training area, and a skeet range was under construction.
In February 1947, the two clubs merged to form the present club known as The Ellwood/Wampum Rod and Gun Club. The club was incorporated as a non-profit organization, September term of court 1947. The officers were: President - R.W.Thompson, Vice President - John T. Copits, Treasure - Ed McBride, Secretary - Harold McKim, and Financial Secretary - Harold S. Parker. The club's membership in 1948 was 725 members strong.
The objective of the club was to promote better hunting and fishing in ur community by: working for the purifying of the streams and
co-operating with other organizations to the same end; assisting the fish commission with stocking the streams with fish and the game commission with stocking the fields and forest with game; encouraging the observance of game and fish laws and assisting in the prosecution of law violators; and protecting fish and game when weather conditions threaten destruction of the same.
All members had to be male citizens of the United States. The officers included a president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, financial
secretary and a board of directors. The Board of Directors consisted of one director for each 50 members, based on membership of the previous year. The Board of Directors determined the policies of the club, approved all bills, took council with the committees, and had general management of the club. The officers and directors were elected by ballot every year. The club met on the second Monday of every month at the clubhouse. The Board of Directors met on the fourth Monday of every month at the clubhouse.
This page was last modified on Monday, April 17, 2017